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Writer's pictureEarth Yoga Sanctuary

October’s Observance

Can you feel time speeding up? Do you get home and wonder where the day has gone?

It’s no surprise when the stores are filling with goodies for Halloween and Christmas gifts are starting to appear on the shelves. We’re always planning ahead. Stress levels are rising as more work is crammed in to the work day with less people. Schools are preparing their students for the current year’s high academic goals leaving our young ones anxious and tense. Retailers are frantically preparing for the coming manic season. Few people escape stress and anxiety these days.

The more I practice, the more I come to realise what a powerful tool yoga can be to counteract these deeper forms of anxiety. The practice creates the space to allow you to drop into stillness, to observe what is going on in the mind, body and soul. It helps put our life’s priorities into perspective and it helps us become more resilient and less reactive to our circumstances.

Whether you meditate or practice asana, these powerful tools become ever more important the busier and more stressed out we become. Sadly, it’s the first thing we drop when time is restricted.

May October be a time for you to drop into the depths of your subtle energetic self and take stock, however difficult this may be. Try and resist reaction, merely observe, for how are we to heal if we don’t know the issues?



It’s International Mental Health Awareness Day!

Wednesday 10th of October

Come and join us for a deeply moving spiritual candlelight flow class on Wednesday evening.

Where: Shaw Ridge Primary School.

Time:   19h30-20h45


Trick or Treat?

Wed 31st October


Join us for some haunting Yoga, a flow so good it's SPOOKY



Workshops to the end of 2018

Chakra Clearing Yoga Workshop

Sat 27th October 09h30-12h30

Shaw Ridge Primary School



Suitable for beginners and intermediates

The 7 main chakras can be classified as swirling wheels of electromagnetic energy that are arranged as an ascending column, starting at the base of the spine and ending at the crown of the head.

These chakras can get blocked leading to a number of problems.

In this workshop we will have an interactive practice looking at how imbalances & blockages in these chakras can manifest into negative physical & emotional symptoms and how we go about balancing them through the practice of yoga, specifically working with postures that relate to these energy centres and breathing techniques that will enhance their vitality.

​There will also be an hour chakra flow where we incorporate a specifically designed sequence aimed at balancing these energy centres.

Relax & Restore Yoga Workshops

Sat 27th November and 8th December


Shaw Ridge Primary School



These workshops will be a little different to all the other workshops in that the focus will be more on pampering rather than learning. This will be your chance to relax and unwind with like-minded yogi’s before the festive season takes charge.

​We will be immersing ourselves in some of yoga’s finest relaxation techniques to help you find your bliss. Included in the workshop will be a 25 minute yoga nidra, a full 75 minute Yin class by candle light, a visualisation meditation and some heartfelt pranayama (breathing techniques).

Festive snacks, joyful goodie bags and as usual, all equipment will be provided.

There will also be 10 minute de-stress sequences, in the form of handouts, given at the end to help see you through the festive break.


New Year New You Detox Workshops coming in January & February - 

Transformation not Resolution


Struggling for Christmas Ideas?

Check out my shop for Workshop and Class Gift Vouchers as well as Yoga Gift Packs.

More goodies coming soon


My Sanctuary Schedule


All classes can be booked through the site or feel free to email me any questions or requests you may have


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Miembro desconocido
13 sept 2021

Great rread thanks

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