As you step into the second half of the year isn’t it just a perfect time to look back on the first half and reflect on how far you have come?
Think on what you have achieved this year so far, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The month of June for me was the most difficult month of my life so as my Dad gave me my middle name, Joy, I vow to make July as Joyful as I possibly can.
And as the exquisite sun continues to shine down on you, are you able to turn this radiant energy into intense love and more importantly, radiate this love back into the world?
My Beginners & Intermediate Yoga Workshop: AIR is here!
Sat 7th July 09h30-12h30
Shaw Ridge Primary School
Beginners & Intermediate Workshop focusing on the element AIR
The air element is associated with the heart chakra and symbolises love, freedom, openness, mobility, frivolity, positivity, and intellect. When the air element is balanced, you are able to freely give and receive love, feel light and open, be compassionate, feel motivated and innovative, and express mental agility.
We will spend an hour working through postures that will guide you on your way to feeling light, both in body and mind.
Perfect for beginners who want to break down postures and learn them in a safe way in a safe environment. Perfect for intermediates who would like to deepen their practice.
There will be meditation and a full hour class where we incorporate a beautiful flow to leave you totally stress free.
All mats and props will be provided and there will be a break half way through with drinks and snacks. If you like my protein balls, they will be there too! Please note that this is the first of the 4 workshops, but it's not necessary to do them all. Each one has a different focus.
Early Morning Yoga Flow Class
By request & brand new to Swindon
Tuesdays 7 am – 8 am
Shaw Ridge Primary Community Hall
Book via the site.
Teen Yoga
Continues throughout the school holidays!
Fridays 16h45-17h45
Shaw Ridge School Community Hall
Earth Kids Yoga
I am now booking in meetings with primary schools. If you want to recommend a school, please let me know.
A Fabulously Relaxing 2-Day 2-Night Luxurious Yoga & Mindfulness Break in the Stunning Cotswolds
SEPTEMBER 7th – 9th
Come and join us in the heart of the Cotswolds for a luxury yoga and mindfulness weekend retreat. Kingham Cottages is a breath-taking spa venue, which includes five acres of landscaped gardens, a tennis court and a fantastic indoor heated swimming pool complex with traditional Turkish Hammam.
The weekend includes:
- 6 Yoga classes led by local Swindon teacher Karen West
- Meditation, pranayama & yoga nidra sessions
- Full use of venue facilities
- Fully catered with wholesome vegetarian meals
- Outdoor walks and other activities available during downtime
"I loved the weekend. I was relatively new to Yoga, but had been keen for some time to try. I am a big believer in trying new things and a supporter of the concept of lifelong learning. I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and came away enthusiastic about further exploring yoga. There was just the right amount of yoga and you were very skilled at flexing your teaching so it was suitable for everybody in the group. Great venue, superb food and lovely group of participants."
"Thank you for a most amazing retreat experience, the effects have stayed with me even 2 weeks later and I’ve started incorporating some of the ‘new’ yoga into my practice. The whole weekend was completing relaxing and restorative, it felt like a week-long holiday!"
"I felt challenged but not overwhelmed in your classes – I had been doubtful about the number of classes and being able to keep up but that was never a concern as I got into the weekend,
you seemed to give the most perfect class for each session and no two were the same; you read the mood and energy of group very well and were adaptive to our needs"
My Sanctuary Schedule
All classes can be booked through the site or feel free to email me any questions or requests you may have
Now offering private sessions to sports clubs. If you are interested in arranging a taster session, drop me an email. Already working with Swindon TriClub & The Barbells Powerlifters
(Revolved Side Angle Pose)
Level 1
From Crescent Lunge with the right leg forward, stay on the ball of the left foot, ensuring the inner left foot is parallel to the inner right foot. Firm your thighs and turn your right thigh outward, so that the center of the kneecap is in line with the center of the right ankle. Bring your hands to prayer at the heart centre. Exhale and turn your torso to the right until you’re facing directly out over the right leg; hooking the right elbow on the outside of the knee as you do this. If possible bring the right thigh parallel to the floor. Keep your left leg active by pressing the thigh up toward the ceiling and extending strongly through the left heel. At the same time, resist the lift of the left thigh by pressing the tailbone toward the pubis.
Level 2
With another exhale turn further to the right and lean the torso down, placing the left hand on the floor inside the right foot. Work resistance between the knee and elbow. Dig your right thumb into the right hip crease and push the thighbone down toward the floor. Firm the shoulder blades into the back ribs and lean the torso back slightly, away from the inner thigh. Stay in this position for a few breaths. If possible, straighten your left elbow and reach the hand toward the floor (It’s possible to use a block to ‘elevate’ the floor) You can keep your right hand on your hip, or stretch it over the back of the right ear with the palm facing down. Then turn your head to look at the right arm. As in all twists lengthen and soften the belly, extend the spine with each inhalation, and increase the twist as you exhale.
Level 3
If this position seems challenging then stay here and breathe. For a deeper challenge, internally rotate your left elbow and bring the arm underneath the right leg. Reach around with the top arm and let the left hand grab the right wrist or fingers. Open your chest and shoulders and just breathe.
Strengthens and stretches the legs, knees, and ankles
Stretches the groins, spine, chest and lungs, and shoulders
Stimulates abdominal organs
Increases strength & stamina
Improves digestion & aids elimination
Improves concentration & balance