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Relex & Restore Morning

Teacher: Karen West

When:  Sunday 4th August,  Sunday 1st & Sunday 15th December 2024

Where: Earth Yoga Sanctuary Studio

Time: 9:00am to 12:00am


Designed to make you feel like you've taken your body on holiday. These are mornings filled with bliss, from gentle somatic flow & restorative yin to visualised meditation; conscious breathing to heart melting nidra; snacks & goodie bags to make you smile.


All abilities welcome

Yoga for Menopause

Teacher: Karen West

When:  Sunday 14th July (9-11am) & Saturday 16th November (12-2pm)

Where: Earth Yoga Sanctuary Studio


Menopause can be a very uncomfortable and challenging time for a woman's. From annoyingly irrational hormones to erratic mini heatwaves, in this workshop we'll look at yoga techniques that might help to ease the discomforts & improve well being.


Chakra Energy Cleansing Morning

Teacher: Karen West

When:  Sunday 6th October 2024

Where: Earth Yoga Sanctuary Studio

Time: 9:00am to 12:00 midday


This morning will be focused on cleansing & balancing the body’s energy to help promote equanimity for mind, body & soul.


We will include essential oils into our practice for new levels of healing & transformation.  

We shall explore the 7 main energy centres of the energy body using asana, breathing & meditative techniques.


We’ll look at ways in which imbalances & blockages in these chakras sometimes manifest into negative physical & emotional symptoms & how to restore our balance.​​ 

Join us for an immersion of blissful yoga techniques to leave you calm and serene for the rest of the day.


All abilities welcome & no previous yoga experience necessary.​

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Heart Warming Morning

Teacher: Karen West

When:  Sunday 20th October 2024

Where: Earth Yoga Sanctuary Studio

Time: 9:00am to 11:00am


This morning's session will be about connecting with our hearts. Enjoy a warming somatic flow, followed by dedicated pranayama (breathing). We'll then flow into a heart-opening mixed ability vinyasa & end with a Metta (loving kindness) meditation


All Abilities Welcome

Yoga for Stress & Anxiety

Teacher: Karen West

When:  Sat 2nd November 2024

Where: Earth Yoga Sanctuary Studio

Time: 12 - 2pm


Rising levels of stress & anxiety have become conditions that feel common to many in our ever-increasing fast-paced lives.


This yoga morning is about looking at & practicing some of yoga's finest techniques that serve to help manage these levels and perhaps, just perhaps, leave us feeling calmer in body, mind & spirit.


No yoga experience is necessary.

Sound Therapy

Teacher: Patricia Gordon

When:  Sunday 21st July 2024

Where: Earth Yoga Sanctuary Studio

Time: 10:00am to 10:45am & 11am to 11:45am


Enjoy a meditative journey to bring harmony and balance to mind & body.


Gong bath is a type of sound therapy which enables you to experience a meditative journey while the gongs, and usually with some other musical instruments, are played. You will be bathed in the healing frequency of the gong to enter deep relaxation and to bring back harmony and balance to your mind and body.


For more information; visit:




No yoga experience is necessary.

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Yoga Basics

Teacher: Karen West

When:  Sunday 15th September 2024

Where: Earth Yoga Sanctuary Studio

Time: 9am to 12 midday


Yoga can be an overwhelming experience. One strives to learn the postures; understand what is supposed to be going on in the body; how the breath is supposed to work and where to put the mind. 


In this Yoga Basics workshop, we revisit the basic postures, with the use of alignment and props, and explore the sensations felt within these asanas. We practice the great Ujjayi breath & other magic breathing techniques. The session will end in meditation as we discover just how misbehaved the mind can be.


Making it simple, safe, slow & steady. 


The workshop is perfect for those who have either just started their yoga journey and want to learn the basics from the ground up or are an experienced yoga and want to revisit the basics.


All abilities welcome. No previous yoga experience necessary.

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